In order to register a .BH or .COM.BH domain, the domain owner must be a company (from any country),with a local contact in Bahrein.
If you do not meet this requirement, we can register the domain in the name of our local representatives and then make it available to you. This option has an additional cost
The Kingdom of Bahrain is an island country in Asia, located in the Persian Gulf.
Neighbors; To the southeast of Bahrain is Qatar and to the West, Saudi Arabia. “Bahrain” means between two seas.
Bahrain is one of the major financial centers in which private capital is traded with the developed economy and banking system. Its economy is largely based on oil. Moreover, it is an important center for multinational companies doing business in the Gulf with highly developed communication and transportation facilities. The biggest production after petroleum is the production of aluminum. The world's third largest aluminum factory is located in Bahrain. After petrochemical products, the most important industries are steel production and aluminum based industries and shipbuilding industry.