The database used to find out whose name a domain name belongs to is called whois. However, the whois query is an operation to learn domain registration date, owner’s e-mail and phone number information through the use of this database.
Once you want to set up a new page, first of all, wen you query the domain name for this web page after choosing a domain name if you see that it has already been saved, you can get opportunity with whois query. If you see the contact information of the owner of the domain name in the database, the registration day and the last day of registration, you may want to buy the domain name by sending an offer to this person.
In some cases, when you encounter copyright infringement, phishing attack or spam, you can reach the relevant person by using whois information. In this context, you can request a suspension for the domain by notifying the domain registrar company.
All information such as who owns the domain name, financial and technical information, through which domain company it is registered, the name of the person or company, contact information is called domain whois information during the registration of a domain name.
The system works by transferring the data as a set of rules to registrars or privately authorized businesses that provide dealership services through designated IP addresses in the domain name whois query process.
When the whois information for some domains is hidden, "Domain whois protection" has been made for this process. If you want to reach the information of the hid domain owner, you need to contact the company that provides the hiding service.
It especially provides benefits for legal purposes in some periods by including a list of domain names where this database registered. Internet management systems use whois data to identify and resolve certain problems. For example, it is found out whether a domain is available or whether there is a trademark infringement via whois information.
Although it is very practical to use this tool on Olipso, you can see the status, owner, registration date and expiry of the domain name when you enter a domain name for which you are looking for information, in the query section on the whois page.
Information of domain owners can be sometimes changed and registrar companies such as Olipso always provide opportunities for updating this information. Also in the context of ICANN rules, while it is stated as an obligation that this information is always up-to-date and correct, the address is blocked when it is not correct and up to date.
You can easily update whois information next to each domain name when you enter the management panel in your account offered to you on Olipso. In this respect, updating must be provided with correct information for a healthy internet use under ICANN rules.
The service used by a domain owner to prevent others from seeing the information used in the domain name registration is the whois hiding service. You can do this to protect your identity or to get rid of spam information in some cases, when you want to follow whois information about the domain name.
On Olipso this can be done for free.
You can open or close the whois privacy process on your admin panel at any time. Privacy benefits can be done in the settings section opposite the domain name in the panel.
If domain name whois privacy is utilized, users making inquiries will access your domain name information but they will not be able to see the information you want. If there is no privacy, people who access your information can contact you by phone or e-mail.
When you query whois on Olipso;
• Domain owner’s name and surname
• Domain owner’s e-mail address
• Domain owner’s physical address information
• Domain owner’s phone number
• You can learn domain owner’s fax number.
Bulk whois query can be performed on Olipso. In this regard, you need to take action on the bulk domain inquiry page.