India has the second largest population in the world with a population of 1.200.000. It has 15% of the world's population. The capital of the Republic of India is New Delhi. The struggle of Mohamed Karamchand Gandhi, the leader of India, is not forgotten but his birthday is accepted as a national holiday on October 02. The Indian Republic in Asia is seventh in the world in terms of surface area. India ranks second in terms of population. Neighbors; North of Kashmir and China, Nepal and Bhutan in the northeast, Bangladesh and Burma in the east, Ceylon in the southeast, Indian Ocean in the south, Pakistan in the northwest. The Indian peninsula covers the largest part of the country with its triangle-like structure. The area covered by India is 3.287.590 km2, the north-south length is 3200 km and the west-east length is 2400 km. In terms of physical structure, India is divided into three parts; It is located in the Dekkan Plateau, the Ganges Plain and the Himalayas Region.
.in domain extension is allocated to India. Being the second most populated country, it is one of the biggest markets in the world. By registering a .in domain, you can offer your products to more than 1.2 billion people. .in domain registrations require no official documents. .in domains can be acquired from anywhere in the world. Allocation rule for .in domain is first-come, first-served.