.ie domain extension is allocated to Ireland for internet usage in the country. Registering .ie domain is essential for protecting brand and company names in Ireland. .ie domain registrations require official documents or wipo trademark. .ie domains can be registered from anywhere in the world.
In order to register a .IE domain, the domain owner must meet one or more of the following requirements:
- The owner must be an irish company or a natural person with residence in Ireland; or
- The owner must be a foreign company or natural person or natural person who can prove his or her relationship with Ireland(*).
Note (*):
If the owner us a foreign company, he can be prove his relationship with Ireland by the following ways:
- Providing evidence to show that he trading with or providing a service to Irish customers (an invoice from an Irish company, marketing material aimed at the Irish market, or a solicitor or accountant’s letter confirming your current or future trade with Ireland).
- Providing evidence to show that he will be relocating to Ireland in the near future.
- Holding a Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland or EU Community registered trademark.